Thursday, July 15, 2010

indian airlines wallpapers

Air India is one of the world’s great airlines and flies to one of the world’s great countries! With a modern fleet of jet aircraft which is being rapidly updated and the recently completed merger with the domestic carrier Indian Airlines, the decade ahead is likely to be a good one for the national carrier of one of the world’s fastest growing economies. As a way to start you journey to a land we guarantee you will fall in love with, Air India gives you a taste of what is to come!


Alternative Airlines aims to bring you up to date airline news about the airlines which don’t hit the headlines outside of their own country. These airline news stories contain brief details about new airlines, new routes, new frequencies, flights to new destinations and from new cities or airports. Where airlines are being taken over or are merging, we will try to report this airline news from how it will affect you, the passenger. We hope that this airline news section will enable to get a flavour of how smaller airlines are reacting to constantly changing market conditions and help you make a more informed choice of airline.
indian airlines
indian airlines
indian airline
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indian airline

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