Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Palin Fans Flames in PA

Palin baking up a big ol' mess of BS

Via Politico:
Sarah Palin used baked goods Tuesday night to attack the “nanny state.”

Palin brought dozens of cookies to a speech at the Plumstead Christian School in Plumsteadville, Pa., amid news reports — since retracted — that Pennsylvania’s State Board of Education is looking at ways to limit sweets at classroom parties.

Palin called the plan an example of the “nanny state run amok” and said that she brought the cookies in order to “shake things up," according to news outlets including WPVI-TV.

One guess which "news report" Politico points to for inaccurate reporting about supposed mandates. Can you say Trib? I guess this really should be David's story...

I don't know about you, but I've certainly heard of schools already encouraging parents to being in healthy treats.

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