Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Willie Horton-style Web Ad -- Now with Misogyny!

Not Safe For Work:

Talking Points Memo is spot on when they called this ad against Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn (D) -- running in a special election to replace the retired Democratic Rep. Jane Harman (CA-36) -- "Willie Horton on steroids." But its all that and more. Let's go down the check list:
  • False accusations about her actions regarding gang members: ☑

  • False inference that the gang members in question are African-American -- Obama! -- when they were primarily Latinos: ☑

  • Depicting the opponent as demonic: ☑

  • Calling the opponent a "ho" and a "bitch": ☑

  • Depictions of various gangsters (Al Capone), gang members, Che Guevara and Charlie Manson (?!): ☑

  • Depicting the opponent as a pole dancing stripper with (bonus!) a smelly crotch: ☑

  • Depicting Hahn as about to be sexually violated with an automatic weapon...WHAT?...WTF? This has got to be the sickest, most vile ad ever.
  • And, we get to thank Citizens United for this one. The ad is not being run by her opponent, tea party Republican Craig Huey. It's being run by the brand-new Turn Right USA PAC. Via TPM:
    Turn Right USA, the sponsor, is a brand new political action committee which only filed its paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Monday. The paperwork indicates that Turn Right USA intends to operate as a so-called "super PAC," capable of raising funds in unlimited amount, but will not use those funds to directly support federal candidates or committees.

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