Friday, June 10, 2011

Yes, Investigate!

From today's Tribune-Review:
Congressional subpoenas must reveal what the Justice Department won't explain about a Border Patrol death and its ham-handed effort to link illegally sold guns with Mexican drug cartels.

With Justice largely stonewalling, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, plans to subpoena officials involved with a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) program known as "Fast and Furious," reports The Hill newspaper.

A bad idea from the start, the program authorized U.S. gun stores to illegally sell thousands of firearms to Mexican cartels' "straw purchasers" -- in hopes of tracing those guns to, and prosecuting, cartel bigwigs. [emphasis added.]
Can I point something out?

USAToday reports that "Operation Fast and Furious" is part of a larger ATF operation, "Project Gunrunner."
And guess, just guess when that started?

Locally in Laredo, Texas in 2005 and then expanded nationally in 2006 - so when Scaife's braintrust says it was "a bad idea from the start," I trust they recognize that it was yet another bad idea from their friends in Bush Administration.

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