Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yes, Weiner is a wiener

Anthony Weiner (D-NY) takes questions from the media

When are guys like these going to learn that it's the lies and the cover-up that get you in the end and that NOTHING IS PRIVATE ON THE INTERTOOBZ?

Also, note to some on the left: We are supposed to be reality-based. Some bloggers were beginning to look like birthers as they twisted themselves into pretzel-like shapes defending Weiner (I do not fault anyone, however, from being initially skeptical given the source). I'm thinking here of a recommended Daily Kos diary post in particular which attempted to show that the photo was Photoshopped. The diarist said they had been using Photoshop since '93 -- well, so have I and I didn't see what you were seeing which is why I never linked to it.

Lastly, Weiner is a wiener because he managed to throw some credibility to Andrew Breitbart -- a man who took over the presser demanding an apology from Weiner -- who has yet to apologize to Shirley Sherrod or ACORN.

Just UGH all the way around.

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